This past Saturday, Aug. 3rd, 67 Beaver Dam Lake District members attended the 33rd Annual Meeting at the Cumberland Middle School commons. Following introductions and several "housekeeping" comments, the minutes from 2023 and treasurer’s report were approved. Jay Michels – Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. gave an update on the history of the Library Lake Restoration and the need for developing a Lake Management Plan for all of Beaver Dam Lake. Alan Carlson then presented the 2024/2025 budget for approval. He explained how the equalized valuation of the properties within the Lake District has almost doubled from 2013 at 216,479,123 to 2024 at 424,092,551 and the effect on reducing the tax mill rate. After separately approving of all budget items over $10,000, the total budget was approved, which included the funding for developing the Greater Beaver Dam Lake Management Plan. For the 12th consecutive year the approved budget kept the tax levy at $210,723. Alan Carlson then chaired the election of new commissioners. No names were submitted prior to the meeting other than John Bavier and Tom Schroeder, currently Secretary and President respectively. There were no nominations from those present at the meeting. A motion for unanimous approval was made, seconded and approved.
Tom Schroeder took a few minutes to review past and current Lake District activities. The BDLMD information boards installed at the boat landings at Eagle Point and by “Louie’s on the Lake” were replaced with new updated panels. Additional signs will be placed at the Water St. and Hines Lakeview Dr. boat landings in the coming year. After weeks of reduced precipitation the Lake is finally at normal level. The Highway 63 box culvert replacement with a bridge structure is still scheduled for 2026. The Lake District applied for a permit to treat for Eurasian Water Milfoil-EWM. The only area that needed treatment for EWM was Cemetery Bay and the WDNR denied our application. The EWM permit application also included a proactive plan to treat for weed growth affecting navigation in the lake east of Highway 63. Although the permit application was approved, there was provision in the permit that required prior WDNR inspection and approval before any herbicide treatment for navigation issues. Based on the observed weed growth the WNDR visited the lake in early July but did not okay our request to treat the areas per the approved permit. The Lake District will continue to pursue herbicide treatment and other means to address the weed issue. Residents can remove weeds from the lake and create beach areas by non-mechanical means.
After Tom completed his review of Lake District activities, questions from the audience included set back issues pertaining to recent homes being built along the Lake shore, rip-rap permitting and the channel underneath the Lake Street Bridge near highway 63 being block with stone taken from the rip-rap adjacent to the Lift Station. The blocking and obstructing of navigable waterways is covered under US Code 33- 403 and WI. State Code 30.15(d). The fine can reach $500.00 per occurrence. Tom will work with the City to rectify the problem. Please notify the Cumberland Police if you see anyone throwing rocks into the channel.
Finally, Linda Hunt, a member of the Restore Library Lake Fund Raising committee, covered the Raffle campaign and the various ways you can donate to the Restore Library Lake Dredging fund. A board with a Thermometer depicting the level of donations and a Donation Recognition board are now located in front of the downtown Utility Building. Please buy raffle tickets and/or donate to the Restoration Fund. Go to for details on how to donate. Following the Annual Meeting a brief BDLMD Board meeting was held and Alan Carlson, John Bavier and Tom Schroeder agreed to hold their elected positions for the next year.
Also, on Saturday the band “Rock Brigade” performed on the shores of Beaver Dam Lake just northwest of the Narrows. The event was sponsored by Ian Hagan – Cumberland Dock, Lift and Storage. Attendees in over 40 watercraft enjoyed an afternoon of entertaining music. A big thanks to Ian and the members of the band.
See you on the Lake.