With the Memorial Day weekend behind us, the summer activities on the lake have commenced. The Lake District is in full speed ahead mode with the planning for the Annual Meeting to be held on Sat. August 5th at 9:30AM at the Cumberland Middle school. The draft 2023/2024 budget is approved and the agenda is being finalized.
The dredging permit for the north side of Library Lake is still being discussed with the WDNR but hopefully after tomorrows, June 15th meeting with the WDNR, we will have a clearer understanding of what needs to be done to meet all the WDNR requirements for the permit to be approved. I will include a full chronological explanation of the permitting process for this permit in my Annual Presidents Letter.
Because of the high lake level following the rapid snow melt, HIGH LAKE LEVEL - PLEASE NO WAKE signs were posted at all the boat landings. On May 23rd the signs were removed when the lake returned to approximately 6 inches above normal. Unfortunately the sign at the Norwegian Bay boat launch was missing. I want to thank all the watercraft operators for following the “No Wake” request and using common sense when they operated their watercraft during the high water event. On Friday, June 9th the side boards at the dam were closed and the lake level was at the “normal” level.
On May 18th the channel to the east of Hwy. 63, as well as City Bay, Rabbit Bay and Cemetery Bay received a whole lake treatment with 2-4D. Then on June 9th, a number of smaller EWM locations throughout the lake, including the area just west of the highway 63 bridge was treated using ProcellaCOR. As explained in previous articles it is important to differentiate ProcellaCOR from 2-4D and other herbicides that are used to eradicate EWM. ProcellaCOR is applied in Parts Per Billion (PPB) rather than Parts Per Million (PPM) when compared to other herbicides. This year’s approved Plan is on the BDLMD website at beaverdamlake.org.
The buoys are again in place by the beach area, the “sand dam” between Rabbit and Williams Bay and at the narrows. They are there for the safety of everyone using the lake. I encourage wake boat and ski boat operators to avoid going between the “No Wake” buoys by the beach and the north shore. Making turns per state boating regulations in the limited space between the “No Wake” buoys and the 100 ft. “No Wake” from shore requirement is difficult. WI. State boating regulations state that it is illegal to “Operate a vessel repeatedly in a circuitous manner within 200 feet of another vessel or person in the water and Operate a vessel within 100 feet of the shoreline, any dock, raft, pier, or restricted area on any lake at greater than “slow, no wake speed.” Please avoid this area when wake boarding, surfing, or skiing. I will provide an update on the “Wake” issue in my Annual Presidents Letter.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer on the lake and I hope to see you at the August 5, 2023 Annual Meeting.