Special Projects
Stormwater Runoff Pond
As a result of many hours of work by the Library Lake sub-committee of the Beaver Dam Lake District, in collaboration with the BDLMD Board, the City of Cumberland, the Wisconsin DNR, Emmons & Oliver Resources consultants (EOR), and others, the first of several storm water runoff ponds that will eliminate storm water from running into Library Lake was recently completed.
Because Grove Street was involved with installation of the new water, sewer and storm water lines, the City of Cumberland, the BDLMD, and EOR worked with the DNR to assure that the necessary storm water piping was installed before Grove Street was paved.
Dave Evenson, BDLMD President, commented, “ the award by the WDNR of several grants, applied for by BDLMD, allowed the construction the pond at significantly reduced cost to BDLMD members. The effort by all of those individuals involved with this project is commendable.”
The pond is located at the NW side of Grove Street adjacent to the Neuer residence. Storm water from an approximately a 13 acre drainage area (From Eighth Avenue near the Burger King to Grove Street north of Library Lake) will be captured by the new basin. The goal of capturing and treating the first ½-inch of stormwater including sediment and chemicals was exceeded!
An underground 60-inch diameter pretreatment chamber was installed to collect sediment, trash, debris, and chemicals before the overflow water goes to the settling basin. The basin cleans the stormwater flowing from the pretreatment chamber through an 18-inch layer of a clean mix of 70% sand and 30% aged organic leaf compost. Additional treatment is provided by deep rooted native vegetation including wild flowers and grasses. The design of the basin encourages groundwater recharge by allowing stormwater to soak into the ground. Besides the seeding of grass around the pond, over 2500 wildflower and grass plants were planted. Hopefully mother nature will now cooperated with some rain.
The goal of the BDLMD and the City of Cumberland is to eventually address all of the storm water runoff that occurs within the BDLMD.